Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The current market for rehab products are not concerned with fashion, it attempts to make a neutral version so it fit to everybody, but at the end it doesn't really fit anyone well. All people of them have different aesthetic standards and style. but I would like to explore that.
I think that this concept of high end fashion wrist support is not going to work due to the fact that fashion by definition is not permanent. So creating one style of wrist support is only at most good for one season which is not what I want. More to come.

Green Grass Flip Flop, makes you feel like walking on grass all the time.

Guardian Bike Helmet, when a child wears it, the helmet would alert the rider about dangerously close or fast vehicle. Also the helmet would light up to alert the driver....

Garter Brace, attempt to add some feminine, urban chicness to a sport, efficient oriented field.

After some thoughts and discussions, I have decided to go in the direction of modifying braces, crutches and elderly walker.
Here is a video for inspiration...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ginko Rake

This is my proposed product, a leaf rake, stamped from one piece of stainless steel. (for limiting the carbon footprint.)
I am testing what is the appropriate scale for this rake should be with a sketch model.

Here is my first attempt on the water jet with my design, I did it on a thin steel sheet and is relatively easy to bend by hand afterward. There are still a lot tweeking to be done.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Detechnologizing a product...

In the beginning I was thinking about the industrial toilet paper dispenser. From the user standpoint, it is cumbersome, not user friendly and not sexy. But it would be hard to detechnologize it since it does not contain a lot of technology.

Then today I went to the Science museum with my son and on the way back on
the street, I saw 3 landscaper with 3 leaf blower blowing a small pile of leaves on a driveway and I thought there it is. The leaf blower. It is over technologize for its task. It creates air pollution, sound pollution and uses our valuable petroleum.

I don't know what is preventing landscaper from using traditional leaf rake more, maybe it is laziness or maybe because the leaf blower looks more "professional"?( you need your tools to be motorized to be a professional. )
I think people would use traditional rake more if it is more stylish to use. Maybe it is like Japanese tea ceramony, where process is as important as the end goal.

Here is a my Ginko Rake, made of one piece stamped metal, (to be sure it is made in one place.) electroplated gold. (or any color)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Source map for my watercolor kit.

I am curious about where my watercolor kit comes from. It was given to me as a gift in Israel, and I took it from there to California then Boston. The watercolor kit is made by Talens based in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. However their website did not mention whether the product is made in Netherlands or not. I am assuming it is not for reason that 1)it is reasonably priced. 2) they did not explicitly say that it is manufactured in the Netherlands.
Curiously, the city Apeldoorn has a signed agreement for economic cooperation with the city of Yichang in China. Yichang has long been a major transit port and distribution center of goods. Therefore I have a strong suspicion that product is actually made in China, delivered from Yichang at least.
The watercolor pigments are made by mixing gum arabic and powdered pigments. I have gotten the chemical ingredients from the company of most the color used in the kit, from what I know, are synthetic and are non-toxic.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

About open source.

I have submitted a design for this design column, let see if I could get some feedback.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Utopia is, I think different from person to person. In general, I guess I could say everybody who lives in Utopia should be happy. So what is Utopia for me? It should be a flexible structure so that could expand and adapt. I don't believe there is one solution that could make everybody happy, so this Utopia has the ability to shift and change accordingly to people's different culture, custom and tendencies. The trick is to make everybody happy, not just a few. I am sure if you are super rich, your world probably looks pretty ideal. You have the means to surround yourself with things and people that makes you happy. But to make close to 7 billion people(Assuming earth could be Utopia), people who have different religion, culture, language, concerns and aspirations to get along and everybody is satisfied. It would take a design that would or could take consideration to "all" the factors and create an environment that would adapt to everybody's need and concern. On top of that, to use to limited resource in a sustainable fashion? I don't know...
OK, Let's just look at Cambridge. I think I would be happier if I see more bicycles. Like Amsterdam, there would be many bikes and it would be safe for me to bike around to where ever I want. I don't want cars cutting me off, I don't want car doors opening on me. I want the bike path to be integrated with city more. This is not a question of technology, but of design.
Sometimes when I am stuck in a bumper to bumper situation in Harvard Square and l look at a pedestrian, I would have this envious moment, "Walking is so nice..." At that moment, although I have a more technological advance device (my banged up Honda Civic) vs the pedestrian (the shoes, I guess), I am more trapped than he is. I guess what I am saying is technological advancement in one product, without the greater design to support it would still fall short.